Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's A Good Life

Like every other teenage girl in the world, I saw The Fault in Our Stars last weekend. (Twice.) Of course, I've also read the book several times; yet, I still cried as though I didn't expect what the ending would be. 

I won't spoil anything for those of you who have not seen or read TFIOS yet, by the way. I'm just going to talk about a wonderful quote from it that inspired me to write this blog. :)

TFIOS is possibly even more quotable than Mean Girls or Elf. The author of the brilliant novel, John Green, is one of the most talented writers I've ever been introduced to. (Plus, he's a YouTuber so that automatically makes him awesome.) The book is about two teenagers named Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. Both of these main characters suffer/suffered from types of cancer. The story is all about their struggles and how they fall in love.

There is one quote amongst all the others, though, that I noticed when watching the movie. It's not a big quote. I'm not sure if a lot of people even really took notice to it. 

Augustus says it when he and Hazel Grace are at a park one day. Cancer, in this part of the story, is causing some serious issues and Gus just looks at her and says: "It's a good life, Hazel Grace."

Like I said, it's not a big, long quote. Just a few words, in fact. But I've been repeating them in my head now for almost a week and this is why: If a teenage boy who is dealing with cancer and all that comes along with it including loss of limbs and not being able to function properly can say that life is good... Well, I think that's incredible. 

I've talked about struggles that I've gone through and I know that you've been through hard things too. Everyone goes through tough battles. But I've just been thinking that this boy- although (unfortunately) fictional- and this quote he says. Yes, things happen. Bad, terrible things. But life has some pretty cool things too.

For one thing, I don't have cancer. I also have a really comfy bed and a TV in my room. I own 2 guitars, a ukulele, a keyboard, and, although it's not a good one, I do own a laptop. I live in a place where trees are like skyscrapers and the ocean is only minutes away. I get to see the sun set behind the mountains every night. It is so easy for me to just spend the day in a cool place like the University of Washington or Seattle. I've gotten to travel the world. I've been lucky enough to visit Japan, Mexico, Scotland & England, France, Germany,  and Canada. I've traveled through Michigan, Ohio, Massachusetts, Florida, Oregon, California, Kentucky, Indiana and Washington. I've seen glimpses of the world and it's beautiful.

I have friends that I can text any time. I have a wonderful dance team. I'm involved in an awesome youth group. I've seen an unbelievable amount of people in concert. I get to see One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, and Ed Sheeran all within a 5 day timespan this August. I get to have my senior pictures taken by the best photographer in the Seattle area in July. 

I have the opportunity to go out-of-state or out-of-country for college. That's amazing. I'm going to get to see even more of the world! The places I could go are endless. 

So yes, I've been through some really awful stuff that kids shouldn't have to deal with. But what are you gonna do? Although that stuff happened, some really cool things happened too.

After 11:15 tomorrow, I will be considered a senior. I have one year left in Washington before I take off on new adventures. This is my last year of high school. I plan to make the most of it.

It's a good life.

-Jordan xx

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