Wednesday, July 15, 2015


One of my good friends (shout out to Manny) texted me almost exactly at midnight to wish me a happy 18th birthday and asked a really good question: Why was I not night-blogging? So here I am. Night-blogging.

Right. So. Okay. 18. Wow.

Because of the depression that I faced for nearly a decade, I never thought I would graduate high school or turn 18. But I just graduated high school. And now I'm 18. And I'm just sitting here in my room with a smile on my face because life rocks and I'm so happy to be experiencing it!

This won't be a long post or anything. Nothing too like "wow that was an important quote that I'll remember" or whatever.

I just wanted to say thank you to all the positive people in my life that kept me going. And I'm not just talking about these past few years in Washington. There are people that I'm no longer in contact with that helped me very much during my time in Michigan, and if you're reading this, thank you.

Yes, a large part of what got me here today is, in fact, me; however, the amount of love and support I've received is monumental and not to be forgotten. I am lucky. And I'm sad that I didn't realize that sooner.

Here are the first selfies I took of me being an 18-year-old.

What's funny is that, a few years ago, I wouldn't have been brave enough to post any type of selfie... Let alone weird, funny ones of me holding the best stuffed animal ever. And yeah, like, they're weird and everything... but do you see how happy I look? That's so cool! Because I am happy. And it's the coolest thing. Seriously.

Today will be spent meeting up with Internet friends and attending a One Direction concert at Century Link Field in Seattle. 

But for now? Sleep.

-Jordan xx

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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

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