Wednesday, June 10, 2015


So I graduated from high school last week and it's still very surreal. I always, always, always told myself that I'd never graduate. And because I was depressed for so long, I absolutely believed that. But I did it. I graduated. And it's really cool.

Recently, I've been very happy. It's sort of an odd feeling since it's still a bit foreign, but it's such a light emotion compared to sadness. :) Happy Jordan is happy.

AND while Maddie Bogart was giving her speech at the farewell assembly, I saw myself in the future. Like lots of people see themselves with a partner or kids or working or with a house in the future, but this has never happened to me ever. So when this happened on Thursday, it was insane. I saw myself as a 30/40-year-old teacher working with my special education students (what I plan on majoring in). I still can't believe this happened. It was so cool.

I just wanted to quickly give a shout out to some people who got me to graduation. Without you guys, I don't think I would've made it here.

Every person in my family has helped me out in one way or another so it would be silly to list all of you, but obvious shout-outs should go to my mom; my sister, Jenna; and my Aunt Tracy and Uncle Mike. Thank you for keeping me alive.

Ms. Noonan helped me more than she probably realizes. She was like my second mom who I could go to for anything. I really believe that I wouldn't be here without her placing me in the dance team my junior year.

The other teacher who helped me a lot was Ms. Johnson. Her class was like my safe haven. It was very open and I loved it because I was able to look forward to writing every day. Her Creative Writing class was the best class (besides Dance) that I've taken in my 13 years of public schooling.

Young Life Leaders
Lauren and Brandon Patchin gave me a place to grow in my faith with God. They taught me more about my faith and opened a ridiculous amount of doors for me. I know I wouldn't be going to a Christian college if it weren't for them. Thank you both for making me a better person.

Internet Friends 
Kenz - Thank you for being like another little sister to me and a wonderful best friend. You're a blessing and thank you for always being someone I can talk to.

Bailey - Thank you for teaching me that it's not cocky or wrong to love myself. Because of you, I like who I am and I think that's the #1 reason why I'm happy now.

Leilee - Thank you for being one of my best friends. Your beauty (internal and external) radiates and makes me want to be more like you AKA a better person.

Logan - Thank you for always making me laugh. You're someone that I look forward to talking to and being around and there really aren't that many people in my life that I feel that way about.

Annika - Like Logan, thank you for being someone who never fails to make me smile. I'm lucky to be able to call you my friend and that I've gotten the chance to (finally) meet you in real life. The biggest thing I've learned from you is that it's okay to express my opinions LOL THANK YOU FOR THAT.

Alli - Thank you for being one of those people who is chill and open-minded and wonderful. (Not to mention insanely talented.) You and I are a lot alike personality-wise and I love that. You make me so happy and I can't wait to see you in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS!!

Disclaimer: Even though I'm not super close with all of the people below, they all impacted me in one way or another that resulted in me wanting to continue high school. So here we go!

The dance team has been the biggest support system I've ever had. I still struggle understanding how I was lucky enough to be blessed with all of you.

Special shout-outs go to the Disney Divas (Maddie, Katie C., Emily N., Annastacia and Ashley) and Katie E. and Audrey W.

Cherie and Matt - I don't think I would've made it through my junior year without you guys. Thank you both for sticking by me in my difficult times and reminding me that life would get better.

 Christobal - You are someone who just makes my life better. You make me happy. You're someone I feel at ease with- like I can be completely myself and don't have to try to be anything that I'm not. And I feel so lucky that I was able to spend my senior prom with you.

Erich and Josh and Eric - The three of you really made my junior year a lot better. 2 of you helped me (sort of) get through my first (and only) haunted house and 1 of you was not only my backstage-of-the-musical friend, but also a huge inspiration. You guys are all wonderful and I know that the future has great things in store for you. Thank you for making my junior year great and for brightening up a lot of my days last year!

Delaney - You've become like a sister to me. We're weirdly similar and I adore that. Thank you for always being here for me and for going on spontaneous roadtrips and for pushing me to be better.

Drake - Without knowing it, you impacted me a lot during my junior year at Kamiak. There was one day in particular when you gave me a pep talk that affected me so much that I remember writing about it in my journal. I don't even think you were aware, but there were certain days when your positivity lifted my spirits immensely. Thank you for that.

Claire - You've made me someone who cares about the world. Without you, I'd still probably be ignorant of so much. Now I'm not only a feminist and advocate for equality, but I'm a better Christian. And I have you to thank. I love you because I don't have to hide anything from you. And I also love that we twin by accident more often than not.

Cameron - Not even sure where to begin. You are by far the weirdest and most free-spirited and best person I know. Being around you makes me happy; you give the best advice; and I'm so excited to see what you accomplish in life. Whatever happens, I'm proud to call you my friend.

Paige - You were like my mentor during junior year. I have no idea what I would've done without you or our rides home or our random McDonald's dates. I cannot wait to go to college with you. More adventures await.

Taylor - My oldest friend. When we were growing up, I thoroughly had everyone convinced that we were cousins. From Cedar Point to camping to fairs... All my memories with you are incredible. I'm so excited for the future. Maybe you'll have kids and I can show them your baby photos and embarrass you (I hope so). Wherever the future takes us, I know that we'll still be friends, because, really, what would I do without you? 

Rebekah - I can't believe we did it. I am so proud of you. I know that we both go through a lot, but look! We made it!!! Together. Stay strong. Stay beautiful. Stay you. Always.

Austin - You are living proof that humans have the capability to grow and change. You've become such an amazing person/role model. Although I only get to see you once or twice a year now, you still manage to make my life easier to live. Thank you for everything.

Natasha - It's kind of insane to think that such an incredible friendship began because I needed someone to hold a microphone for me. You are one of my best friends and I truly don't know what I'd do without you. I hate the distance between us but somehow we manage to conquer it. Thank you for listening to me cry; for taking me on roadtrips; for loving me unconditionally; for picking me up at the airport at 1:30 am... For being you.

Jake - You were the first friend who ever really stuck around during my rough times. You proved that someone would not only care about me and fight for me, but would make it through and be there for me in my good times too. I love you endlessly. When we first met, we just clicked so fast that it was undeniable that a wonderful friendship was in the future. I can't even put words together to tell you how thankful I am for you.

The 8 Of Us Group - Thank you for always giving me reasons to keep going. You guys are a huge reason that I made it through my senior year. I can't imagine going through my last year of high school with anyone else. I don't know where the 8 of us will end up in the future, but I hope we still have adventures in our paths.

Diefa - My best friend. My other half. I love you I love you I love you. I go to you in my best times, my worst times, and my in-between times. When I see something funny on Tumblr, I screenshot it and send it to you without hesitation. When you call, I click the "answer" button without even thinking about it (unlike me with the rest of the human population). You make life worth living. You've shown me that it's possible to trust people after not trusting anyone for years. I can't wait to watch you get married and to spoil your kids and to be those elderly best friends who have some crazy Transformation Tuesdays. We're gonna take on the future and it's gonna be rad because we'll have each other.

Patty Walters - Patty is his own category. I met Patty at Vid Con and he ended up having this phenomenal band called "As It Is". This band sort of introduced me to alternative music which, now, is a massive part of my life. So when I met Patty again at one of his shows in Seattle, I asked him to write a tattoo for me- one of his lyrics. So, forever written on my back, is "I just want to believe in something" in his handwriting. Because of Patty, I've become a fan of lots of new bands, made a ridiculous amount of friends, gone to a ton of concerts, and I feel comfortable wearing black and band shirts- without fear of being judged.

I MADE IT, KIDS! And I'm here to tell you that you can too. Because while these people did help me, in the end, it was me who chose to stay alive. Me who chose to keep fighting. Me who decided that it might all be worth it.

And I'm here to tell you that it gets better. And that you can do this. 

Life is good.

And because I love quotes so much, I'm going to leave you with one: "We are graduating members from the class of 'we made it.'" -Shane Koyczan

-Jordan xx

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