Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas + STAR WARS


Christmas was a lot of fun. It was the first year that I was happy throughout the whole day. And it was relaxing.  Very cool.

Below is a picture of me forcing my sister to love me. No other reason to post it other than to prove that I am the most annoying big sister of all time- and I'm okay with it.

Christmas Eve was the 5 year anniversary of having Brady- the best puppy of all time. 5 years previous, Santa gave him to Jenna and me and I bawled on the spot. This year, there were no tears. Just lots of smiles.

Jenna and I made gingerbread houses! I hadn't done this in years. I forgot how hard it is to not get frosting everywhere. But I think the end results turned out pretty well.

I made sure to stay up on Christmas Eve to get this lovely screenshot of Santa visiting Seattle. God bless NORAD Santa Tracker. I remember using my grandma and grandpa's computer as a child on Christmas Eve, watching Santa get closer and closer to Michigan. It was cool to still be able to keep this tradition going.

In the morning, before opening presents, I convinced everyone that we needed a group photo (with the puppies included), wearing our Santa hats. I'd say it turned out very nicely.

Sydney got this really cool disco light thingy. We had a dance party to it after opening all the presents. The best part is that the lights move to the beat of whatever song comes through the speakers. So fun.

Jenna and I decided to do a bit of twinning for Christmas Day.  Down to the same type of necklace. She even convinced me to wear my glasses for the photos- just to up the twinning of it all.


Mom, Jenna and I saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Christmas Day. I was excited to see it after waiting so many days after the release date. I wasn't expecting it too be so good. I was really impressed with all of it and enjoyed every minute.

After leaving the theater, I searched online for all the theories I could find- and found that my main theory has some really strong supporting points. SO if any of you want to nerd out and talking about all the conspiracies with me, I totally will. Gotta love Star Wars!

I hope you all had a phenomenal Christmas! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then I hope you're having a good time right now anyway. And may New Year's be kind to you all!

Happy holidays!

-Jordan xx

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