Friday, January 8, 2016

Concerts of 2015


BAND: Bad Suns
DATE: January 20th, 2015
OPENING ACTS: Maudlin Strangers & Coasts

 Before the show, I met Ray from Bad Suns! He was super kind and took photos with everyone who asked. Christo was running around outside and was nice- it's just that he looked very busy so none of us asked for a photo.

Maudlin Strangers, the first opening band, spent an hour or so outside and just hung out with those of us who were in the front of the line. (My friend and I were second in line- just behind our other friend who'd arrived a bit before us. Thankfully, she'd brought a tent which we sat in all day since we'd gotten there at about 7am.) They were funny, down-to-earth and very kind.

This concert was my first time in the front row! Being in the front is such an incredible experience and it was worth every freezing minute spent outside that day.

Bad Suns posted a photo of their Seattle show on Instagram not too long after it had finished... And I WAS IN IT! I was the only face that you could make out. Too cool. :')

MARCH (February was the only concert-less month of 2015.)

BANDS: Against The Current & Set It Off
DATE: March 10th, 2015
LOCATION: El Corazon
TOUR: Glamour Kills: Spring Break '15
DISCOVERED THROUGH: Against The Current was discovered through YouTube. Set It Off was discovered through Against The Current's cover of "Uptown Funk". As It Is was discovered through meeting the lead singer, Patty Walters, at Vidcon 2014.
FAVORITE SONG: Against The Current - Talk. Set It Off - The Haunting. As It Is - Dial Tones.

First up was Roam (who I did not get pictures of). And then came As It Is! They're a very talented alternative band from Britain with a sound that isn't for those too light of heart. While some of their songs are more "pop"-ish, the majority of their music is stuff that's too hardcore to be put onto a popular radio station. 

Prior to the actual show, I had VIP with Against The Current. Not only did they give us acoustic performances of "Talk" and "Gravity," but after taking a photo together, the band gave us signed posters. So cool!

I was also able to catch Chrissy after the show for another quick photo. :)

Let me tell you- Chrissy Costanza (lead singer of Against The Current) is an extremely talented entertainer. Her voice is incredible and she never stops moving. It was truly a privilege to be at their show.

Last up was Set It Off. Their front man, Cody Carson, was unreal. He did something I'd never seen before... He crowd-surfed but did so by resting his head and shoulders on the crowd and walked on the ceiling. It was a show that really brought out the true fun of being at a concert.

Cody was phenomenal with all the fans afterwards. He had great conversations and made each person feel important. He also did some crazy poses with people which was nice because it's good to know that entertainers are having fun!

Right when the concert ended, I went to where I knew Patty was going to be meeting people. He was so sweet and patient as I explained the tattoo idea I had. The idea was lyrics from his band's song called "Horoscopes" and he wrote them for me. A week or so later, my mom and I made the journey to Canada to get it done!

I consider this to be one of the absolute best concerts I've ever been to. The lineup was perfect, the bands were so kind, and I got a lovely tattoo out of it. What more could anyone ask for?


BAND: The Maine
DATE: April 15, 2015
LOCATION: El Corazon
TOUR: The American Candy
OPENING ACTS: Knuckle Puck Real Friends, & The Technicolors.
DISCOVERED THROUGH: I honestly don't know- probably through friends at school. I'd known of the band for a few years but this was the first I'd seen them live.

No complaints with this concert. The crowd was nice. The bands were great. And the lead singer of The Maine, John O'Callaghan, had some great little speeches in between songs. The members that I met of the band (Kennedy Brock and Pat Kirch) were very welcoming. Pat called my destroyed, sparkly Vans "beat-up princess shoes." I was like "My mom said I had to throw them out but maybe because you like them, she'll let me keep them"... and she did! (Thanks, Mom.)

BAND: Coasts
DATE: April 21, 2015
LOCATION: Chop Suey 
DISCOVERED THROUGH: they opened for Bad Suns in January

This was my second time being front road for Coasts (the first being in January when they opened for Bad Suns). Again, they didn't disappoint. Their opening act, Zella Day, was super talented as well! And while I'd met them after the January concert and got a photo- it was blurry. I was happy to find out that the photo from this concert was not!


BAND: All Time Low
DATE: May 6, 2015
LOCATION: Showbox SoDo
TOUR: Future Hearts
OPENING ACTS: Tonight Alive & State Champs
DISCOVERED THROUGH: Like The Maine, I assume I first heard of All Time Low through school friends, but it was a long time ago, so I don't recall; however this was my first time seeing them in concert.

Before the show, I had VIP. I was able to meet the band, get a poster, and have them sign something for me. They were totally funny and really, really nice to every person they met.

The show was incredibly fun. The crowd was super bad so a bunch of us moved towards the back of the venue and enjoyed ourselves, dancing around back there!

Then, I was lucky enough to get a photo with Derek Discanio, the lead singer of State Champs. Really nice guy!

BAND: Kodaline
DATE: May 9, 2015
LOCATION: The Neptune
TOUR: Coming Up For Air
OPENING ACT: Gavin James
DISCOVERED THROUGH: my best friend, Diefa :)

There were a few cool things about this band. First of all, Kodaline is my best friend, Diefa's, favorite band. And it was her birthday when we saw them. And we ended up being front row. And it was the best crowd I've ever been in. No pushing or shoving. Everyone stood far enough away from each other to be comfortable. I just stood there, watched the band, and loved the music.

Also, quick note: The opener, Gavin James, is like a version of Ed Sheeran. Incredible, incredible talent.

Second note: Picture credit goes to Diefa for the picture of me!


BAND: Ed Sheeran
DATE: June 20, 2015
LOCATION: Moda Center (in Portland- he didn't come to Seattle for this tour)
DISCOVERED THROUGH: One Direction many years ago
FAVORITE SONG: You Need Me, I Don't Need You

Ed had come to Seattle in August 2014 to kick off the X Tour! It was held in a GA venue. So when I heard he was re-doing the tour in arenas, I was so excited! Ed is by far the best entertainer I've ever seen. It's him, his guitar, and a loop pedal on the stage. Nothing else is even necessary. There are no tricks or dance moves or band- and somehow he makes every moment better than the last.

Plus, it was fun to hang out around the city before the event and take some photos!


BAND: One Direction
DATE: July 15, 2015 (MY BIRTHDAY!!!)
LOCATION: Century Link Field
TOUR: On The Road Again
DISCOVERED THROUGH: Tumblr (bless the video diaries that came out during The X Factor)

So- One Direction on my birthday. With like 30 Internet friends. Best 18th birthday anyone could ever ask for. I had so much fun and getting to spend the day with so many incredible people... I felt like the luckiest girl alive.

BAND: Young Rising Sons
DATE: July 19, 2015
LOCATION: The Crocodile
OPENING ACTS: Dreamers & Hunter Hunted
DISCOVERED THROUGH: they opened for The 1975 in December 2014

Front row again! Young Rising Sons are so talented. They've got good music, good lyrics, and they know how to put on a good show. This was one of my favorite concerts of the year. And the crowd was very nice- which is always a plus!

Meeting them is always fun because they don't make you feel like you're in a rush. Definitely some great guys.


BAND: 5 Seconds of Summer
DATE: August 19, 2015
LOCATION: The Palace of Auburn Hills (in Michigan)
TOUR: Rock Out With Your Socks Out
DISCOVERED THROUGH: they opened for One Direction during 2 tours

Seeing 5sos was fun for so many reasons. First of all, the two girls I went with are some of the best friends I have, so they made every second a million times better than it would've been without them. Secondly, this rounded out my experience of venues; I first saw 5sos in a GA, and then in a stadium with One Direction. And this was an arena! The perfect 3 put together.


BAND: Bea Miller
DATE: September 16, 2015
LOCATION: Washington State Fair
FAVORITE SONG: I Dare You or We're Taking Over

Watching Bea's rise to fame after being eliminated from The X Factor has been a true joy. This girl deserves everything she's getting. She's down-to-earth, relatable, and has a killer voice. I first saw her perform live at Vidcon 2014. And although I had seen her on The X Factor, this is when I fell in love. Her stage presence is just so real and strong that there was no way to not become a die-hard fan. And seeing her this second time was even better because I got to go with 3 awesome friends! Plus, spending time at the fair before and after the concert was amazing.


BAND: Bad Suns & The Neighbourhood
DATE: October 21, 2015
LOCATION: Showbox SoDo
DISCOVERED THROUGH: Bad Suns were discovered through opening for The 1975. The Neighbourhood was discovered through Twitter.
FAVORITE SONG: Bad Suns - Transpose. The Neighbourhood - Let It Go.

2 brilliant acts put into one night. It was phenomenal. It was great seeing Bad Suns again, and I came to realize how talented The Neighbourhood are. I mean, I knew they were good and everything- but I think they're even better live. 

BAND: twenty one pilots
DATE: October 22, 2015
LOCATION: The Paramount
TOUR: Blurryface
DISCOVERED THROUGH: again, it was most likely a friend from school years ago
FAVORITE SONG: We Don't Believe What's On TV

Echosmith opened and they were wonderful. And meeting them was awesome too! It was cool seeing such talented people be so humble.

twenty one pilots are a band unlike any other. Every song was incredible and every instrument was perfectly played. The amount of talent in Tyler and Josh is unfathomable. All I'm going to say is if you ever have a chance to go to a twenty one pilots show, you should.

BAND: Against The Current
DATE: October 31, 2015
LOCATION: El Corazon
TOUR: Gravity
OPENING ACTS: Vinyl Theater & Jule Vera
FAVORITE SONG: Outsiders (this song wasn't released yet in March which is why I have a different answer for the previous concert)

My sister and I went back to see Against The Current, for the second time in 2015, at El Corazon. Again, we bought VIP, met the band, got posters, and had another acoustic performance. This time the songs performed acoustically were "Talk" (like last time) and "Outsiders."

The concert was on Halloween so everyone was dressed up! The band and crew were all DC characters. My sister and I dressed as our factions from Divergent- Jenna as Candor and myself as Dauntless. This was also Jenna's first front-row experience. All in all, this was a great night. Best Halloween ever!


BAND: Halsey
DATE: November 12, 2015
LOCATION: Showbox SoDo
TOUR: Badlands

Halsey is- by far- my favorite artist of the moment. I love her music, what she stands for, and how she handles herself (for the most part). She put on a great show and I was so happy to finally see her live. I knew the night was going to be good when she opened with my favorite song. Fingers crossed that she comes back to Seattle soon.


BAND: The 1975
DATE: December 20, 2015
LOCATION: Showbox SoDo
DISCOVERED THROUGH: I have absolutely no idea. The Internet somewhere, probably.
FAVORITE SONG: Robbers (and although Robbers will always have a special place in my heart, I'm also loving one of their new songs called A Change Of Heart)

It was the last show of the tour and it was nothing short of brilliant. There is something about this band that makes my heart melt. Maybe it's the passionate fans or the band's honesty or the mix of it all. Whatever it is, it's beautiful. They're coming back in April and I hope to see you all there with me.

SO it's been quite the year of music. I plan on attending lots of concerts in 2016 and hopefully next year, I'll be able to post a blog similar to this one. I love the part that music plays in my life. Concerts and bands and spending time with friends is what makes the whole experience worth it. Every single time.

-Jordan xx

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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

1 comment:

  1. It must be such a gratifying feeling for the band members to have fans ask for their pictures and spend hours waiting in line to see them upclose live.
