Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My Seen-You-Soon to SPU

This past weekend, I was at the high school that I graduated from for my old dance team.  They had districts and so I went to support them.  Luckily for me, a bunch of dance team alumni were there and one said some things that really got me thinking about college.  She said that she'd attended a university her fall quarter, left, and is going to community college in the fall... And I just got to thinking... That's an option?

It's currently week 10 (AKA the last week before finals) so I knew I needed to make a decision quickly.  All weekend was spent journal-ing, praying, etc.  I was just looking for clarity with all of it.  Suddenly, I was considering how many factors would play into this and how beneficial this time off could be for more people that just me.

And so it was Monday night that I decided to withdraw from Seattle Pacific University for the spring quarter of 2016.  Don't worry-- I'll be back in the autumn to continue on with getting a degree, but for now, I have time for myself.  It's the craziest feeling.

The plan is to get a job and work as much as I can.  Time away from school will be cool, I'm sure, but I can't just sit around for all this time.  I'd totally go crazy.  I've thought about where I'd like to work, but haven't done much research on which places are hiring.  With only having had this thought on my mind since Saturday, it's been a bit overwhelming.  Once finals are over next week, I will be ready to Google workplaces until my time is filled.

I know I'll miss a lot of things.  I'll miss the flowers around campus, the view from the 6th floor of Ashton, and spending time alone in the library.  I might even miss learning a tiny bit.  Most of all, I'm going to miss the people.  I was so blessed to be given a floor filled with phenomenal young women.  Each one is spectacular in her own way and I know they're all going to be so successful in life-- whichever paths they choose.

I won't really be missing cafeteria food, stressing over midterms, eating cereal for any and all meals, or community bathrooms.  And I definitely won't be missing the trek up the massive hill in front of my dorm.  But since that won't be part of my daily routine anymore, I might actually have to start working out or something.  Gross.  (Kidding.  Kind of.)

Something I love about SPU is how driven the students are to change the world in which they live.  I know that by being away for a quarter, I'll miss great forums and weeks of awareness and the awesome community that is found here.  Hopefully when I come back, my time away will have just given me a better appreciation for all the change that we are working towards here.

Please know that I don't regret coming to SPU or spending my money here.  This is a wonderful school and I've grown so much as a person because of this place.  I seriously believe that if you're attending a university, living there can be so important.  This has become a home to me, and I'm sad to walk away from it for 10 weeks.

The best part about all of this is that it really only is just 10 weeks out of my entire life.  When I was trying to choose which way to go with this decision, that was something I found peace with.  When I am 60 or 70 years old, I seriously doubt that taking one quarter off of school will be something I think about or something that affects me.  While it feels like such a massive change now, I know it's little in the long run.

I have been blessed to have been given the opportunity to live in Seattle-- and I'm excited about coming back later this year.  We've got everything you could ever want: mountains, ocean, art, city, suburbs, sports, shopping, tourist-y things, museums, concerts, bubble tea, pho, hiking, lots and lots and lots and lots of coffee... Actually, we have got everything except for consistent sunshine.  But the rest makes up for it.

The drive to downtown is only about 30 minutes without traffic from where I'll be staying, so it's not like I'm officially leaving until September.  I'll definitely be back every Tuesday night since The Inn, my college-based ministry, is at the University of Washington; however, I assume it'll feel quite odd heading back north afterwards instead of driving to SPU.

I don't know if my time off will be extraordinary.  Maybe crazy things will happen that never would have had I not left school for spring quarter.  Maybe a miracle will happen or I'll meet the love of my life or get to travel somewhere cool or whatever else.  But maybe nothing fantastic will occur.  These 10 weeks might just be me working, reading, writing, and relaxing.  And that's cool too.  I have full faith that these upcoming months will be whatever they need to be.  My heart is at peace with this choice.

Hopefully, you support my decision.  I completely understand that this is not the road for everyone, just as I understand that the conventional 4-year college plan isn't for everyone.  Words can't express it, but I need you to trust that I know this is right.  The certainty I have about this totally sudden, abrupt, and unexpected pace of life is unreal.  This is the right path for me.

And remember, I'm coming back!  It's not a goodbye; just a see-you-soon.  So, I'll see you soon, SPU.  Thanks for all you've taught me.

Love always,

-Jordan xx

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  1. My support is alway behind you in all your healthy decisions.Enjoy your hiatus:-)

  2. Loving and supporting you always. I took time off two and it made coming back so much better for me. I hope it does the same for you. And if you ever need to talk about this, I am here for you.
