Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Latest & Greatest Adventures

Hello, everyone. It's been awhile.

Well, since I've been completely useless as far as updating this blog goes... I haven't the slightest idea of where to begin.

Spring break, I guess? Okay.

Spring Break

So for spring break, I ventured off to the Olympic Peninsula. This means, I finally made it to Forks! Needless, to say, I'm a massive Twilight fan and this was such an incredible experience. Along with Forks, I also made it over to Port Angeles and La Push- both of which were also in the series. La Push was probably my ultimate favorite place. The beach was incredible. Plus, I've never seen people surf in real life, so that was cool!

Here is the part of my blog where I bombard you with pictures that you probably don't care about. Fair warning.

Here I am, entering the city of Forks. It was beautiful the entire weekend- sunshine and warm weather.

Basically the smallest town ever.

Go Spartans!

This was Bella Swan's (Kristen Stewart's) truck throughout the first few Twilight books!

Entering Quiliete territory. In the movies, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) was a Quilete.

I think the Quilietes have seen the Twilight movies.

Someone surfing on a beach in La Push.

The water was freezing! After the photo shoot here, I couldn't feel my legs/feet for a good 30 minutes.

The gorgeous view from the beach.

Super beautiful.

The other side of the Quiliete sign that I saw when I was leaving the territory.

So that's spring break for you.

So I've been having loads of fun with YouTube. I've made two new channels.
My first channel with music is http://www.youtube.com/JordanWinansMusic
Then, one of my new channels is focused on beauty. It's: http://www.youtube.com/JordanWinansBeauty
The last channel is my vlog channel. You can go here to see how my spring break went: http://www.youtube.com/JordanWinansVlogs

I love making videos. I love hearing how my music affects people. I love writing songs. I love sharing my knowledge with people on the Internet.

YouTube is just something I've fallen in love with, and I hope you like my videos.

Personal Stuff
I'm going to be honest with you about how I've been doing. I feel like lying about it would be counterproductive. I didn't make this blog to tell you I'm doing amazing when I'm not. I made this blog so that you can keep up with what's going on.

I've been struggling. School is difficult. I'm only getting As in two classes- one of them being Honors English II, because I love writing and reading. Showing up for school is probably the most difficult thing ever. My social anxiety has been raging through the roof and my panic attacks are reoccurring. I just keep telling myself that all I have to do it make it through 2 more months.

It's just that right now, 2 months seems like a mountain that I'm not prepared to climb.

Thank You
I would like to say thank you to my two best friends in the entire world, Liz Harris and Anna Hueter. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for risking our friendship to save my life.

Thank you for being brave, and beautiful, and strong.

Thank you for being you.

Happily Ever After
I don't know about happy endings. My life hasn't ended yet. I guess all I can do is hope that before I die, things will make sense.

Hopefully, I'll understand why I was mentally abused. And maybe I'll understand why I was called names at 7 years old because I didn't want to play basketball. And hopefully I'll know why I was forced into such a dark place for so many years.

I think just seeing all the pieces fall into place is worth sticking around for.

All I can do is hope.

Love always!
-Jordan xx

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Jordan_Winans
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/jordanashleywinans
Vlogging YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/jordanwinansvlogs
Tumblr: www.battle-wound.com

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

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