Thursday, July 4, 2013

An American Abroad

European Update

Hello everyone! If you've been keeping up with me on Instagram (or if we're friends on Facebook) then you'll know that, currently, I am in Europe!

I arrived in Frankfurt, Germany last Monday. It was June 24th. The next morning- at 5, mind you- I left to England. My great-uncle, great-aunt, and my second cousin are the people traveling with me. Oh. And did I mention that we're driving?

Yep. We drove to a small town the first night and stayed in a townhouse. It was lovely, except for the lack of WiFi.

Then we were off to Edinburgh. There, we stayed in a wonderful apartment for four nights. My cousin, Caitlin, graduated from the University of Edinburgh while we were there. The ceremony was cool, and the best part was that as the graduating student walked across the stage, they didn't shake the professor's hand. The professor tapped each and every student on the head with a hat. 

It was brilliant. My cousin, Haley, and I joked that it reminded us of The Sorting Hat from the Harry Potter series. Every time the hat touched a head, I wanted to shout "Gryffindor!" or "Slytherin!"

While I was in Edinburgh, I also got the chance to watch Caitlin's band perform at two of their many gigs! Her band is amazing! They're called "The Blueswater" and she plays the bass. I definitely recommend checking them out. They're all super talented people with great personalities. It was awesome to meet everyone and listen to them play.

After Caitlin graduated, the five of us headed north to the highlands. I visited Loch Ness! Didn't find the monster. Such a shame. But the water was beautiful.

The highlands were actually really peaceful and relaxing. We stayed in a bed & breakfast. Outside the windows were tons of acres of grass filled with sheep. Definitely a different atmosphere from the city life of Edinburgh. OH AND WE WENT DOLPHIN-WATCHING AND SAW AT LEAST TWO RAINBOWS! AH!

We dropped Caitlin back off in Edinburgh and began our trek back southward. We've stayed at different hotels each night. All of the cities are stunning. The old architecture is amazing and so unlike anything I've seen in America.

I've also been in a few cathedrals and castles. I even passed by the castle where the cast of Harry Potter had their first flying lesson. HOW COOL, RIGHT?!

Tomorrow will be spent at Harry Potter World.

And the day after that? London.

Love you guys and I'll see you soon!

-Jordan xx

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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

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