Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Year In The Life (2013)

As 2013 reaches its finale, I keep reminiscing over this year. A lot's happened. A lot's changed. And so I'm going to use the method of going month-by-month to sum all of it up.


January: I moved to Washington on January 5th. When school started up, I was the new kid. I was friendly with a lot of people in my classes but I didn't have any real friends. It was definitely hard to be away from family back home, too. Then I got involved in this amazing youth group called Young Life. I started to meet more people but by the end of January, I was still left with acquaintances.

February: I went home to Michigan. On my first day back, I was cyberbullied by my ex and all his friends. (I wrote a blogpost about that. Don't worry. Everything worked out in my favor.) When I came back, I was absolutely torn apart and ready to give up. But I didn't.

March: I started up my beauty channel on YouTube (aka the best decision of my life). I adore being a beauty guru. YouTube makes me happy and I love using my free time to make videos. March was a good month.

April: I went to Forks, Port Angeles and La Push. Since I was a die-hard Twilight fan in middle school, this was actually pretty crazy. (I think I wrote a blog post on this vacation.) I got pictures by the Forks sign and the beach and everything was just perfect.


June: The second school was released, I went home to Michigan. I spent a little while there. While I was home, I met my best friend in person, Anna. :) Being home was better this time, compared to February, because I knew who I wanted to see and who I wanted to avoid.

July: I spent the majority of July traveling around Europe with my cousin, Haley. (Link to all my Europe vlogs is: It was the best summer of my life and I still can't believe I got to go to all these amazing countries and cities. Stepping foot into London was unbelievable. I never thought I'd be able to go there and being there was utterly surreal. (Also, I turned 16 in a castle in southern Germany so that was cool.) Once I was back in Michigan, a bus took a bunch of people and me down to Indiana for the weekend to a convention for a program I'm in. There, I performed an original song in front of 300+ people (you can see the performance at and made friends that'll be around for a lifetime. Leaving Indiana was even harder than leaving Germany.

August: I came back to Washington. This month consisted of lots of back-to-school preparations and finishing summer projects. Nothing too special.

September: I went to my junior homecoming with choir kids! It was the best homecoming ever! (You can check out how I got ready for it at and my homecoming experience at As school started up, I began to make lots of real friends. First of all, I became an assistant for my school's dance team. I do their makeup and videotape them. It's so much fun. So in September I met all the dancers (there's 27 altogether) and started creating friendships with them. Another way I began to make friends was through normal classes at school. I started making an effort to talk to people. Things were looking up in September.

October: In October, I went to my first haunted house. IT WAS HORRIBLE. That's pretty much October summed up. (Sorry.)

November: My grandma and great-grandpa visited for Thanksgiving. Seeing them in Washington was phenomenal. I love them so much. We went to the space needle, too, which was fantastic. (You can check that experience out at The worst part of November was when they went back home to Michigan.

December: Well, here we are in December. Christmas was good. Winter break is going alright. I've started watching American Horror Story (currently on the 2nd season). And that's that.

Between all these moments, there were things happening with me. It's no secret that I struggle from depression and anxiety and whatever else blah blah blah. The point is, I'm still here. I stuck it out. I've stuck around. And I'm here to tell you that whatever you're going through- it'll get better. I believe in you. I love you. And it gets better.

Here's to loving ourselves better next year.

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Loss. It's something we all go through.

We lose friendships to rumors.
We lose relationships to lack of trust.
And we lose pets, loved ones, acquaintances, and family members to death.

Losses occur every day, and we can all relate: we've all lost something at one point in our lives.

But the question is this: How do we grieve over our losses?

How do we deal with the pain?


Moments ago, I finished watching this week's episode of Glee titled "The Quarterback". It was an episode dedicated to remembering Cory Monteith. I've been a fan of Glee since the very first episode. I've been here from the beginning. But I've never been obsessed with the show. 

Yet, as I watched the episode, I simply could not stop crying.

It's surreal to think that a celebrity from our generation reached the end of the road. We hear about our parents' heroes dying and don't think very much of it... But now it's real. It's all too real for us. Now we've lost someone and it is a wake up call.

The episode made me think back to the people I've lost to death. There's a list of about 10. And just like Chris Colfer said in Glee, it doesn't matter how they died. That's not important. The fact of the matter is that they're gone. And it - for lack of a better word- sucks

You get so used to people being alive that you forget they're not always going to be able to breathe. You forget to hug them when they leave. You forget to say "I love you" when you get off the phone with them. You forget to say how proud you are of them, and how much they mean to you. You forget that the words you're saying to them just may be the last words they'll ever hear from you.


The episode also made me think back to the friendships I've lost. People grow up and people grow apart. And you may have these awesome plans to get married with the boy you're currently dating. And you might be planning a roadtrip across the country with your best friend next summer. But people grow up and people grow apart. Today, right now, just be happy that they're there. Because maybe something will change and tomorrow, nothing will be the same.

So, grief.

How do you deal with grief?

For me, I have a few different ways of dealing with it. And this is because my grief usually comes in stages: shock, sadness, anger, and more sadness.

When I'm sad, I usually just sit around and cry. That's it. That's all I do. That's how I handle sadness. And maybe that's not the "right" way to go about things. But that's what I do.

When I'm angry, I like to be sort-of destructive. But when you're angry, don't say things you don't mean. When I'm angry, the best thing I can do is stay away from people. I like to throw water balloons at brick walls. I like to walk into the lake with my clothes on. I like to tear up phone books and throw the ripped-up paper all over the room.

And then I'm sad again.

And I always come back to this: This grief is real. And they're not coming back. Will throwing things and crying truly help me?

And so what do I always end up doing?

I write.

And so here I am, crying my eyes out about Cory Monteith and everything/everyone else that I've lost in this world. And I'm writing.

Grief is a brutal thing, but it needs to be done. So cry. Throw things. Write.

Just remember to love the people around you today. And never wait until tomorrow to say "I love you" if you so clearly know that you love them. Because the only thing that can make loss worse is regret.

Love always,
-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Thursday, July 4, 2013

An American Abroad

European Update

Hello everyone! If you've been keeping up with me on Instagram (or if we're friends on Facebook) then you'll know that, currently, I am in Europe!

I arrived in Frankfurt, Germany last Monday. It was June 24th. The next morning- at 5, mind you- I left to England. My great-uncle, great-aunt, and my second cousin are the people traveling with me. Oh. And did I mention that we're driving?

Yep. We drove to a small town the first night and stayed in a townhouse. It was lovely, except for the lack of WiFi.

Then we were off to Edinburgh. There, we stayed in a wonderful apartment for four nights. My cousin, Caitlin, graduated from the University of Edinburgh while we were there. The ceremony was cool, and the best part was that as the graduating student walked across the stage, they didn't shake the professor's hand. The professor tapped each and every student on the head with a hat. 

It was brilliant. My cousin, Haley, and I joked that it reminded us of The Sorting Hat from the Harry Potter series. Every time the hat touched a head, I wanted to shout "Gryffindor!" or "Slytherin!"

While I was in Edinburgh, I also got the chance to watch Caitlin's band perform at two of their many gigs! Her band is amazing! They're called "The Blueswater" and she plays the bass. I definitely recommend checking them out. They're all super talented people with great personalities. It was awesome to meet everyone and listen to them play.

After Caitlin graduated, the five of us headed north to the highlands. I visited Loch Ness! Didn't find the monster. Such a shame. But the water was beautiful.

The highlands were actually really peaceful and relaxing. We stayed in a bed & breakfast. Outside the windows were tons of acres of grass filled with sheep. Definitely a different atmosphere from the city life of Edinburgh. OH AND WE WENT DOLPHIN-WATCHING AND SAW AT LEAST TWO RAINBOWS! AH!

We dropped Caitlin back off in Edinburgh and began our trek back southward. We've stayed at different hotels each night. All of the cities are stunning. The old architecture is amazing and so unlike anything I've seen in America.

I've also been in a few cathedrals and castles. I even passed by the castle where the cast of Harry Potter had their first flying lesson. HOW COOL, RIGHT?!

Tomorrow will be spent at Harry Potter World.

And the day after that? London.

Love you guys and I'll see you soon!

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I Remember.

It is 8:30 at night (west coast time) and I am sitting in my mother's bed and I 
am remembering.

I am remembering when I was three and you shoved my mother to the floor.

I am remember when I was ten and you called me "the c word".

I remember being afraid and wounded and broken. I think I still am afraid and 
wounded and broken. And it sucks.

I remember the butterflies in my stomach when you-know-who asked me out in grade 
7. I remember how he became my best friend. I also remember how I forgot my 
other friends when we were together. I remember how lonely I felt when we broke 
up because he was the only person I kept around.

I remember the fear I felt as I was being admitted into Havenwyck (a mental 
hospital in Michigan) for the first time. I remember how going there the second 
time wasnt any less scary.

I remember that I am only 15 years old, but I have considered suicide for 4 

I remember meeting Elizabeth Burnand when I was 4 and how she's grown into this 
amazing person who I love and idolize.

I remember my sister who I sometimes forget is still a kid and I remember that I 
should be nicer to her.

I remember a boy named Nick who Facebook-friended me after my first day at 
Kamiak High School in Mukilteo, Washington. I take a moment to appreciate how he 
introduced me to a girl named Patrycia to sit with at lunch. I remember how Patrycia introdced me to all of her friends. I remember how nice it was to not be alone at lunchtime.

I remember when a flawless, brilliant girl named Micailah Moore invited me to a 
youth group and I remember bawling my eyes out at the group because I finally 
felt like I belonged in Washington.

I remember Taylor Clark- my best friend since the day I was born. And I think 
about how she is my best friend, my sister, and my role model. I think about how 
she lost her dog, Kooper, this year and I wonder how she is so strong. I wish I 
were as strong as Taylor.

I remember that the last time I hung out with anyone besides Taylor was over 6 
months ago. This makes me feel sort of lonely.

I think this is because I have anxiety issues and being social makes me nervous.

I remember that I am no longer suicidal and that makes me nervous because that's 
all I've ever known. And I don't really know what to be if I'm not suicidal.

And I remember that I'm only 15 and it's okay that I don't know what I'm feeling 
because I'm a teenager and that's normal.

I remember that I'm not the only person to make mistakes.

I remember that I have a 70% in Algebra II and how I got All-As throughout 
middle school. This disappoints me.

Then I remember how I've hardly gone to high school because my depression, 
suicidal thoughts, PTSD, and anxiety kept me from getting out of bed.

I remember that I am proud of myself for working out my issues, even if I had to 
put my grades behind my mental health.

I remember all the girls at my lunch table, especially Ingrid who has 2 classes 
with me and will complain about how awful they are with me.

I sit at my lunch table and think about how these girls have known each other 
forever and yet they are still welcoming enough to allow me to sit with them 
during lunch.

I remember my best friends, Anna Hueter and Liz Harris. I remember how they are 
strong and beautiful. I remember when I told them I was going to kill myself 
last month. I remember how angry I was when they called the police on me. I 
remember forgiving them because I would've done the same thing in their 
position. I love them with every piece of my being. I remember that I'd be dead 
if it wasn't for them.

I remember my aunt who kept me from killing myself when my mom was away.

I remember my mom who kept me from killing myself for the past 2 years.

I remember anyone and everyone who has never given up on me. I'd like to thank 
you for that.

I sit and remember that I have come a long way. I am no longer shy. I talk about 
my feelings.

I sit and I remember that it is okay to not be okay.

I remember that I am Jordan Ashley Winans. I am only 15. I have my whole life 
ahead of me to stress and worry and cry. And I remember that tomorrow could be 
the best day of my life.

I remember where I am from and where I'd like to be going.

I remember.

And I know that I will never forget.

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:
Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Latest & Greatest Adventures

Hello, everyone. It's been awhile.

Well, since I've been completely useless as far as updating this blog goes... I haven't the slightest idea of where to begin.

Spring break, I guess? Okay.

Spring Break

So for spring break, I ventured off to the Olympic Peninsula. This means, I finally made it to Forks! Needless, to say, I'm a massive Twilight fan and this was such an incredible experience. Along with Forks, I also made it over to Port Angeles and La Push- both of which were also in the series. La Push was probably my ultimate favorite place. The beach was incredible. Plus, I've never seen people surf in real life, so that was cool!

Here is the part of my blog where I bombard you with pictures that you probably don't care about. Fair warning.

Here I am, entering the city of Forks. It was beautiful the entire weekend- sunshine and warm weather.

Basically the smallest town ever.

Go Spartans!

This was Bella Swan's (Kristen Stewart's) truck throughout the first few Twilight books!

Entering Quiliete territory. In the movies, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) was a Quilete.

I think the Quilietes have seen the Twilight movies.

Someone surfing on a beach in La Push.

The water was freezing! After the photo shoot here, I couldn't feel my legs/feet for a good 30 minutes.

The gorgeous view from the beach.

Super beautiful.

The other side of the Quiliete sign that I saw when I was leaving the territory.

So that's spring break for you.

So I've been having loads of fun with YouTube. I've made two new channels.
My first channel with music is
Then, one of my new channels is focused on beauty. It's:
The last channel is my vlog channel. You can go here to see how my spring break went:

I love making videos. I love hearing how my music affects people. I love writing songs. I love sharing my knowledge with people on the Internet.

YouTube is just something I've fallen in love with, and I hope you like my videos.

Personal Stuff
I'm going to be honest with you about how I've been doing. I feel like lying about it would be counterproductive. I didn't make this blog to tell you I'm doing amazing when I'm not. I made this blog so that you can keep up with what's going on.

I've been struggling. School is difficult. I'm only getting As in two classes- one of them being Honors English II, because I love writing and reading. Showing up for school is probably the most difficult thing ever. My social anxiety has been raging through the roof and my panic attacks are reoccurring. I just keep telling myself that all I have to do it make it through 2 more months.

It's just that right now, 2 months seems like a mountain that I'm not prepared to climb.

Thank You
I would like to say thank you to my two best friends in the entire world, Liz Harris and Anna Hueter. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for risking our friendship to save my life.

Thank you for being brave, and beautiful, and strong.

Thank you for being you.

Happily Ever After
I don't know about happy endings. My life hasn't ended yet. I guess all I can do is hope that before I die, things will make sense.

Hopefully, I'll understand why I was mentally abused. And maybe I'll understand why I was called names at 7 years old because I didn't want to play basketball. And hopefully I'll know why I was forced into such a dark place for so many years.

I think just seeing all the pieces fall into place is worth sticking around for.

All I can do is hope.

Love always!
-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Leprechaun Day


Hope everyone has been well. Things have been going good for me lately.

All I've really done recently is homework and shopping. Like, that's it. Not even joking.

Oh! Except for last night, my mom and I watched Perks of Being a Wallflower. It was amazing. Reminded me so much of The Breakfast Club. It shows how messed up everyone's lives actually are. Every person you meet, every person you brush past on the sidewalk... They're fighting a battle. All in all, the film was really eye-opening. I highly recommend it to everyone.

So this morning, my mom and I walked over to Starbucks. After grabbing coffee, we found this trail nearby. It was gorgeous. The trail made me appreciate the beauty that is Washington. You don't see things like this back in Michigan.

Well, that's about it really. Nothing exciting lately. But hey, that's better than things being bad, right?

Love always!
-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Story of Me

This entry is going to be very personal. I'm going to tell you about the real me- not the Jordan that you've conjured up in your delicate mind. Me. 

I am warning you now that this isn't the story you're expecting. If you're a queasy person, or known to be uneasy during imperfect situations, well... this might not be something for you to read.

But for the rest of you, this is me.

Days of Childhood
I remember all the way back to when I was three. I remember being sad and afraid and confused. I remember hiding away in my room to escape the horrors of alcoholism that was corrupting an already dysfunctional family.

By age seven, I'd been called every name in the book. Bitch, worthless, cunt, lazy... You name it; I've been called it.

By the time I turned ten, I was thoroughly disgusted with myself. I literally could not stand the reflection I saw in the mirror. I weighed 105 pounds in fifth grade and I hated myself for it. "Insecure" would be an understatement. I was ten. I was just a kid. And I hated myself.

I remember how each day would go.

  • Wake up and eat Cap'n Crunch.
  • Have my mom/dad drive me to the bus stop.
  • Spend all day studying a girl... Let's call her "Bella"... and trying to figure out how to be as perfect/popular as her.
  • Watch the popular kids play in the tennis courts during recess.
  • Go home to a house of anger.
  • Cry myself to sleep.
I was only a kid.

Secondary School

Suddenly, I was eleven years old. I had my very first phone and life was looking up... sort of. I shared all my core classes with a girl who we'll call "Hadley". It was so nice having her as a friend. We were inseparable. We even won the same award one time and the teacher presenting the awards called us up on stage to receive the rewards together.

During sixth grade, the most popular girl in school (we'll call her Sabrina) made an effort to be my friend. I know, right? My friend. Like, what? Sabrina would always yell across the room and ask me to be her partner for projects, and I don't know. It was really nice, feeling accepted.

One day at lunch, Hadley and I sat at a table with some kids who weren't considered to be "popular", exactly. Sabrina's clique sat down at the table next to ours, and asked Hadley and me to join her. I said no. I said I was going to stay with the table I was sitting at.

Sabrina didn't talk to me anymore.

In seventh grade, I met a boy who we'll call Roger. Roger was older than me- he was in high school. One night, Roger got caught doing something he shouldn't have been doing. I don't know all the details and I won't pretend like I do. All I can assume is that Roger didn't like his punishment. How can I assume that, you ask?

I attended Roger's funeral that year. It was an open-casket. You could clearly see where he'd sent a bullet through his own head.

A few days later, a boy from school -one in the popular crowd- texted me, asking if I was okay. (He'd seen me crying over Roger's death.) I took an interest in this boy. This was the first time that someone of the opposite gender had actually seemed to care. I was innocent, fragile, and naive. And I fell hard.

I remember going to school in the beginning of seventh grade. I wore a pony-tail, no make-up, a graphic tee, jeans, and you could always find a Twilight book in my hands.

Once this boy and I started dating, you could suddenly find me wearing skirts. I don't know why I changed. It just sort of happened along the way. Maybe I wanted his popular friends to accept me. They never did.

After Roger's death, the idea of suicide was always torturing me. Oh, how badly I wanted to kill myself at twelve years old. Often, I'd run away from home during the winter and head towards the lake, prepared to do something stupid... but that boy (who was now my long-term boyfriend) always stopped me somehow.

Seventh grade morphed into eighth grade and a school in the district got shut down. Most of the kids from that school transferred over to my school. One of those new girls, who we'll call Evelyn, commented on my Facebook profile photo, saying I was pretty, and giving me her number. The next day in science class, we helped each other with a worksheet.

From then on, you could find us attached at the hip. Looking back, she was more like a sister to me than anything. I was always at her house on the weekends. And when I wasn't, she was at my house. It was just the way things were. I wish they were still that way sometimes.

High School
Suddenly, it was my freshman year of high school. And suddenly, things weren't so simple anymore. I took it upon myself to begin self-harming. I wouldn't cut. No, that was too obvious. The scarring would've surely caught someone's attention. So I decided to wear a rubber band around my wrist. I would snap it against my skin whenever I found myself smiling. No one ever noticed.

When that pain no longer hurt enough, I began bringing mechanical pencils instead of normal ones. I would use the sharp lead to draw a line on my wrist. Then, I'd proceed to draw over this line hundreds of times. You wouldn't believe how painful that can grow to be.

At my last volleyball game of freshman year, I had my first panic attack. I was sent directly to the nearest hospital. They didn't know I was having a panic attack. They thought I was only dehydrated. So after a quick I.V., I was sent home... only to be shipped to three more doctors/hospitals the coming weekend.

Once the doctors finally figured out it was something mentally wrong, I was diagnosed. Want to know what I am? Here's the list:
  • Major Depression Disorder
  • Bipolar II
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
My anxiety was raging. I was even pulled out of school for awhile. Being home alone during that period of time caused my depression to escalate to whole new levels. I cannot even begin to count the number of suicide letters I wrote. Fourteen-year-olds are meant to be worrying about what color their nail polish is. But not me. I was only worried about what day would be most convenient for the rest of my family to have my funeral.

I was sent back to school. I didn't last long. The massive amount of kids surrounding me just got to me. I was hurriedly shoved into a mental hospital called Havenwyck. I went to Havenwyck every morning and was sent home every afternoon. I did that for a month. It sucked, to say the least.

I made it back to school and I was okay. Well, sort of. For the most part.

Sophomore Year
I started out sophomore year really well. I wasn't "happy" but I was as close to happy as I'd ever been. My boyfriend and I were still going strong. Evelyn and I were still decently close. Things seemed to be going my way.

Until October.

My boyfriend broke up with me, for reasons still unclear. I was devastated. I went two months before I could last a whole day tear-free. I began to cut. I began to abuse my medication. I wrote suicide letters to individual friends/family members, apologizing.

And I was sent back to Havenwyck.

I faked my way out of there in three weeks this time. The nurses genuinely believed I was okay. I wasn't.

I attempted returning to school half-time, in hopes of patching things up with my ex. It didn't happen. I think I was so consumed with him because after dating for two and a half years, I'd forgotten about my friends. He was my only friend. Besides Evelyn, that is.

School didn't exactly work out for me. The suicide prevention specialist told me that because I was severely suicidal, I wasn't allowed to be in school. I began to collect homework from teachers, did it at home, then brought the completed assignments back to them.

I lost contact with Evelyn. Online, I could see her and my ex were becoming close friends. I didn't want any reminder of my ex, so I stopped trying to be Evelyn's friend. 

In November, my mom received a job in Mukilteo, Washington (about 40 minutes from Seattle). She left, with plans to bring my sister and me out in January. 

I was distraught. I wanted to move now. There was nothing left for me in Michigan besides torn-up, disgruntled, haunting memories of the past.

But she made me stay in Michigan, and so I fought my battles. Without my mom.

In my alone time, I experimented with self-harm. I quickly realized my unsafe actions and told my aunt. I was no longer allowed to be home alone at fifteen years of age. Embarrassing? Yeah. To say the least.

There was a period of time when I stopped eating. The first week, I lost 10 pounds. Then my aunt noticed. I was forced to start eating again. To this day, I struggle with the mind of an anorexic, but the stomach of a very hungry person.

And so months passed. I cried and cried and cried. I was friendless, boyfriendless, and motherless. It sucked. But I did it. I survived.

On January 5th, 2013, I departed to Washington. I'm not going to lie to you and say that everything is 100% perfect, because that would be a lie. And that's not what I'm trying to do here. I'm not trying to convince you that one day, everything will be wonderful. No. What I'm trying to tell you is that things get better.

The anxiety of being the new girl was tremendous. But I found my depression becoming less intense. The people in Washington were not at all what I had expected. There were so... so nice. Nobody shunned me or made me feel unwelcomed. I think that's pretty amazing. Moving to Washington was a blessing that I truly believe God had planned for me.

How is my life now? Different.

I have lost all the "friends" I had last year, after finding out they weren't very friendly at all.

I made new friends- over 30 of them. And they are beautiful, and trustworthy, and I know that if I am bawling my eyes out and ready to call it quits... at least one of them will be willing to stay up with me all night long, just to make sure I'm okay.

My anxiety is mostly gone, which is pretty amazing.

My PTSD is less intense.

My bipolar disorder is in the works. (Not gonna lie. I still have anger issues... pretty bad ones.)

And my depression is something I've come to accept.

It's a daily battle, but I'm a fighter. After surviving all that I've been through, giving up now seems stupid. So, screw that. I know that it's time for me to start living... with or without the people I thought I couldn't live without.

Cuz you know what? Those people are gone. And me? Well, I'm still breathing.

The Ending
Well, that's a summed-up story of my life. I left out a lot of things that probably would've bored you. I don't know. I guess I just wanted to give you some type of... of hope.

Instead of cutting or committing or swallowing those pills or starving yourself... TEXT ME. FACEBOOK ME. TWEET ME. I will listen. I do care. I promise. You're not a bother.

I understand what you're going through. I've got the scars on my skin to prove it. Please, don't go through what you're going through alone. I've been there and being there alone was by far the worst time of my life.

I wasn't even allowed to go to school. I was sent to a mental hospital. 

So don't think I don't understand. Trust me, I do. And I want to help you.

You are too important to lose. Don't give up now. There is a plan for you.

Because if I can get through everything I've been through, then why the hell would you be any different?

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cyber Bully

Last night, I went to a basketball game to visit a friend. Someone I don't get along with was behind my friend. I sat next to my friend and unfortunately, stuff went down.

After the game, I went home just to find about 5 people (3 that I knew, 2 that I've never talked to before) giving me hate on Twitter. On top of being told that I wasn't welcome in this town, I was called crazy. I was called out on taking medication because of my depression and PTSD. Low blow.

It is easy to give up and to lose hope. It's so easy to drag the razor across your wrist. It's so easy to swallow all those pills. It's so easy to lose yourself.

I sat around for an hour or so last night, crying and fighting back- doing my best to kill them with kindness.

That's when the texts started coming in.

Suddenly, I had half of the town on my side. I had twice as many people supporting me as hating on me. You have no idea how nice that was.

I want to thank the following people for keeping me alive last night:

  • Mom
  • Jessica Goshi
  • Jenna
  • Sam Graham
  • Aunt Tracy
  • Beth Burnand
  • Brandon Dowling
  • Katie Ziem
  • Travis Vick
  • Lauren Prater
  • Anna Hueter
  • Haley Smith
  • @Suicidehastoend
  • Ella Grant
  • Madison Denisio
  • Ariana Faigenbaum
  • Ashley Skaggs
  • @JayXOFauz
  • Tyler Carpenter
  • Micailah Moore
  • Lauren Patchin
  • Nate Todd
  • Lexi Upson
  • Emma Colegrove
  • Jake Sidock
  • Jakob Matney
You see that? That's twenty-five people who had my back. Twenty-five. I was humbled, to say the least. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that all of you were there for me... You will never know how much I love and appreciate every last one of you. I thoroughly believe that God has a plan for me and that everything happens for a reason. 

So not only was I reminded of all the beautiful people in my life, I made a new friend. This girl reached out and helped my last night, even though we didn't know each other. So, Emily Gilbert, I would like to say thank you to you... for being a genuinely phenomenal person. Thank you.

Then, to the following people who helped me out today:
  • Taylor Clark
  • Taylor Hawes
  • Tiffany Mountain
Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for not allowing me to sit around all day and mope. Because of you, I had motivation to keep going today. And I made it. One more day alive. One day at a time.

God will not put me through anything I cannot handle. The cyber-bullying didn't kill me. You know what that means: it only made me stronger.

And now? Now I can help and understand the kids who have been cyber-bullied. Now I know who my true friends are. Now I accept how much my old friends have changed. Now I realize who I want and don't want in my life.

Most of all? I realized that I'll be okay, and I am strong enough to make it through this.

The things they said to me? Those words are nothing compared to the love all of you people gave me.

Thank you a million times.

Forever grateful,
-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


So yesterday was my mom's 43rd birthday! (Feliz cumpleanos, madre.)  And for her birthday, a visitor decided to join us in the wonderful city of Seattle, Washington to celebrate... Grandma Nancy!

(How cute are we?)

It's really nice having another person in the house! We definitely missed her so much! My mom's birthday ended up turning out okay, too, because we were all together. It was simple, but nice. And we went to an Italian place for dinner so that's obviously good.

So I wrote a new song today! Just gotta put the music to the lyrics and it'll be good to go! Can't wait for you all to hear this... It's one of those songs that actually makes me laugh looking back on it. Hey, but the truth should always be revealed, right? It's one of those "Cowboy Casanova" or "Better Than Revenge" type of songs...

You get the gist. Lots of fun.

Also, if you haven't seen my latest upload, here's a link:
PLEASE check it out! I love any/all feedback as well. :)

Life is Good
So after the sudden move, and the annoying drama popping up... It's safe to say that January wasn't the greatest month I've ever had. But I've cut the poisonous people out of my life and I feel amazing. I feel like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders. I feel sort of free.

It's strange isn't it? To wake up and realize that this could be the best day of your entire life? 

Isn't it odd to consider the fact that your best days in your life have yet to happen?

Isn't it wondrous to see that you have the rest of your life to find the perfect guy, a true and loyal best friend, and have crazy adventures?

We'll make better mistakes tomorrow.

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

P.S. Remind yourself that this'll be a good story for your kids one day.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Purple & Gold

Before I say anything else...


After watching the 47th Super Bowl, I was really happy to see the football players be so genuine and emotional. The fact that all these huge, grown men were crying happy tears as confetti fell to the field below them was quite amazing.

I just wonder what the next Harbaugh family dinner will be like... awwwwkward.


So I've made a decision to start up a blog! Due to my excessive amount of travelling this year, I thought it might be cool to let you guys see what I'll be seeing!

First off, I'll obviously be heading back to Michigan a few times this year. So that'll be fun! On top of that, I'm flying out to Europe this summer!

My beautiful cousin, Caitlin, is graduating from the University in Edinborough in Scotland! She's incredibly talented and I cannot even explain how proud my entire family is of her! (I think the list of instruments she doesn't play is shorter than the list she does play. Crazy, right?)

I also plan to be visiting some other cool places with my other cousin and Caitlin's younger sister, Haley! From what we've talked about, I believe I'll be getting to go to:

  • Germany
  • London, England
  • Paris, France
Not sure if we're going anywhere else, but we'll be sure to try and hit up Harry Potter World while we're in London.

So yeah! That's that. I hope everything works out well with this vlog idea. I'll most likely end up creating a second YouTube channel! I'll keep you posted!

Birthday Girl

Two days until my Grandma Nancy gets to Seattle!

Two days until my mom turns 43!

Cannot wait to celebrate her birthday!

Last Thoughts

Before I go, I just thought I'd leave you with something to think about...

It's time to be happy. Let the past go and focus on tomorrow.

Love always,
-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Joys of YouTube

Recently, I went through a rough patch with some drama back in Michigan. I'm the first to admit to letting everything in the world get to me. I was talking to a specialist about how to get out of that "funk" and she gave me some ideas.

  1. go for a walk
  2. take photographs
  3. look at old photographs
  4. write a poem/short story/song
  5. draw/color/paint
And then I began to add to that list with some of my own ideas. My favorite/most helpful idea? Okay, don't judge me, but... watching YouTube videos.

I know what you're probably thinking: "What does that have to do with anything?"

I've suddenly come to this realization that YouTube can be quite helpful, especially for girls! You can watch all kinds of tutorials on how to do your make-up and hair! Plus, numerous beauty gurus will post videos of the clothes that they wore throughout the previous week. I know it might sound a bit strange, but it's a fun way to pass the time, and it'll distract you long enough to get you to stop thinking about whatever is bothering you.

In case you don't have a YouTube, here's a tip:
  • MAKE A YOUTUBE. It takes 5 minutes and it's totally worth it because you can favorite videos (or add them to a playlist) and go back and watch them without having to search for them again
Okay. Now that you have a YouTube, I want to introduce you to all-time favorite channels! 

  • Lindsey:
  • Bethany:
  • Kristee:
  • Zoella:
  • Meredith:

  • Jack (& Finn):
  • Caspar:
  • Tyler:
  • Kingsley:
  • Jenna:
  • Sam:

  • Megan & Liz:
  • Tiffany Alvord:
  • Megan Nicole:
  • Cimorelli:

Well, that's all I've got! Just thought I should mention my love for YouTube... So while you're on the site I think you should check out my channel... ;) 

God bless the Internet. 

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Monday, January 28, 2013

Under the Sea

I ventured out to downtown Seattle this past Saturday! Guess where I visited!


It was seriously so much fun. It costs $16.95 for adults and $13.95 for kids. I know it might seem a little pricey... but I promise it is 100% worth it! You will not regret travelling there!

The first- and probably most exciting- thing that I got to do was touch starfish! Yes, live starfish! There are open pools filled with freezing salt water. They're filled with a couple hundred different types of starfish, anemones, and sea cucumbers! I decided to be brave and feel all of them... even though my hand got so cold that I thought it was going to fall off.

...And now I get to tell people that I touched a live starfish! (PATRICK!)

After the starfish came all of the ridiculously massive tanks, filled with fish from around the world. There was one tank even specifically made for the fish surrounding Hawaii. How amazing is that?

One of the coolest things (besides the octopus) in the main building, is the jellyfish-arch. It's a large fish-tank with flashing colored lights... and jellyfish, of course! It's definitely a crowd favorite.

After the first building, you walk out into an area that has a few types of birds. Then, you move on to the mammals that enjoy the ocean: sea otters and seals! The seal was actually quite scary. When I tell you it was huge, I mean huge. The sea otters, on the other hand, were the cutest things I've ever seen!


Anyway, it was a successful, tourist-y weekend here in the rainiest city ever. Gotta love new adventures!

Jordan's Dare for you today: try something new.

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Breakfast Club

Yesterday, I watched The Breakfast Club for the very first time. After watching Pitch Perfect 47 times, I decided that I might understand the movie better if I actually watched the movie that they referenced in every scene.

I would just like to say that although it was insanely awkward seeing Anne from Secret Life of the American Teenager cussing out people... I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. In fact, a thought occurred to me: this movie should be played in school everywhere. Kids need to realize how similar we all are.

Brian explains that if his grades aren't perfect, then they're not good enough. I know that if I don't receive all As on my report card, I feel like a failure, even if I tried my hardest. I think that a lot of kids can relate to Brian and feel his pain. I know that he made me cry.

Starting my new school was really scary because obviously everyone was a stranger. Once I started talking to them, though, I realized we aren't all that different... even if we grew up on opposite sides of the country. We all feel the same pain. We all know what it's like to get your heart broken, or go through family problems. And we all know it sucks. It's really fascinating how closely all of our lives intertwine.

All of the characters in the movie talk about they're odd talents and the things they're not proud of. Now, I'm not a compulsive liar, or a school-a-holic, but I have some regrets. I've done some bad things in the past... but I've learned from them.

I don't think it's fair to judge someone simply because they've sinned differently than you have.

This movie taught me something about honesty. First of all, always tell the truth. Golden Rule and all that. But that's a given. The second thing is that if you tell the truth and you feel guilty afterwards, then you probably need to do some damage control.

You're not a bitch for telling the truth. But if you think you're too cool to hang out with someone because of their "popularity status" then the idea of you being a bitch is up for debate.

If you call some girl from Wyoming a slut, she's going to feel pain.
If you call some girl from Italy a slut, she's going to feel pain.

If you call some guy from South Africa a bad person, he's going to be upset.
If you call some guy from Peru a bad person, he's going to feel pain.

No matter where you're from; what gender you are; what sexuality you consider yourself to be; what color your skin is; or how old you are... Words hurt. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" is a flat-out lie. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will torture me forever. I'd rather you just slap me across the face than tell me I'm worthless or ugly because it'll surely hurt less.

Family Life
You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. 

That girl that you called a whore yesterday? Her parents haven't talked to her all week because they're always at work.

That boy that you called a fag? He doesn't even know who his father is.

That person you called a bitch? They get beat if dinner isn't ready when their parents get home.

You think you know everyone. You think you've got them all figured out. You know nothing. You know their name, not their story. Walk a mile in their shoes. No, I take that back. Try to walk a mile in their shoes and see if you can even survive. Good luck.

You vs. Society
Let's get one thing straight: society's definition of "beauty" is unreasonable and unattainable. Your beauty is not defined by the size of your jeans. You don't have to be 90 pounds, tan, and blonde to feel confident.

Quit worrying about what everyone else thinks of you.

You can walk into school wearing blue jeans or wearing pink and blue polka-dotted leggings. People will judge you either way- I guarantee it. So you might as well do what makes you happy! Besides, if you want to wear those leggings, nobody will even give them a second thought as long as you wear them with confidence.

Rock your style. If someone has a problem with what you're wearing... that's none of your business and definitely not your problem.

Growing Up
Life goes by quickly. Remember when "getting high" meant climbing on top of the money bars, and pain only came around when you scraped your knee, falling off your bicycle?

Enjoy the teenage years. Enjoy what's left of your childhood. Growing up means taking responsibility for your actions, working to pay the bills, and eventually putting your family before yourself.

Don't grow up too quickly. Each moment is a gift.

Labels are for soup cans; not for people.

The characters in the movie go by the different labels that they've received when actuality, they are so much more than that. Alcoholics are so much more than drunks. And my mom is so much more than just another woman who gave birth. 

And me? I'm a lot more than the girl with her hair in a braid and wearing glasses.

Judging Other People
You don't want people to judge you? Don't judge other people. What goes around comes around. Karma.

If someone's parent died, there is no reason for you to use that against them. They're quite aware of what they're going through. 

A girl in your grade got pregnant. So what? She's fully aware of her situation and doesn't need you bothering her for no reason.

Let others live their lives. Your life is enough for you to worry about.

All in all, I STRONGLY recommend this movie if you have not seen it. It is definitely worth it.

Stay strong,
-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

P.S. “Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did was wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain,and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.”