Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas + STAR WARS


Christmas was a lot of fun. It was the first year that I was happy throughout the whole day. And it was relaxing.  Very cool.

Below is a picture of me forcing my sister to love me. No other reason to post it other than to prove that I am the most annoying big sister of all time- and I'm okay with it.

Christmas Eve was the 5 year anniversary of having Brady- the best puppy of all time. 5 years previous, Santa gave him to Jenna and me and I bawled on the spot. This year, there were no tears. Just lots of smiles.

Jenna and I made gingerbread houses! I hadn't done this in years. I forgot how hard it is to not get frosting everywhere. But I think the end results turned out pretty well.

I made sure to stay up on Christmas Eve to get this lovely screenshot of Santa visiting Seattle. God bless NORAD Santa Tracker. I remember using my grandma and grandpa's computer as a child on Christmas Eve, watching Santa get closer and closer to Michigan. It was cool to still be able to keep this tradition going.

In the morning, before opening presents, I convinced everyone that we needed a group photo (with the puppies included), wearing our Santa hats. I'd say it turned out very nicely.

Sydney got this really cool disco light thingy. We had a dance party to it after opening all the presents. The best part is that the lights move to the beat of whatever song comes through the speakers. So fun.

Jenna and I decided to do a bit of twinning for Christmas Day.  Down to the same type of necklace. She even convinced me to wear my glasses for the photos- just to up the twinning of it all.


Mom, Jenna and I saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Christmas Day. I was excited to see it after waiting so many days after the release date. I wasn't expecting it too be so good. I was really impressed with all of it and enjoyed every minute.

After leaving the theater, I searched online for all the theories I could find- and found that my main theory has some really strong supporting points. SO if any of you want to nerd out and talking about all the conspiracies with me, I totally will. Gotta love Star Wars!

I hope you all had a phenomenal Christmas! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then I hope you're having a good time right now anyway. And may New Year's be kind to you all!

Happy holidays!

-Jordan xx

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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Friday, November 27, 2015

Feeling Thankful!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and it was the first holiday in quite some time that I truly enjoyed. My sister, mom, and I went to see The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 again. Just as awesome as the first time. :) Then, my sister and I colored at home while watching A Year Without a Santa Claus. I ended up going to bed really early and cuddling with my dog. It was such a great, chill day.

Today is our real Thanksgiving dinner! It's a day late because some of my uncle's family flew in today, so now that everyone's here, we're going to celebrate! Right now, I'm watching Elf  which, if you know me at all, you know is my absolute favorite Christmas movie ever. Actually, it's just one of my favorite movies in general. So as my Aunt Tracy freaks out while prepping the turkey for tonight, I'm writing to tell you what I'm feeling thankful for today!

I created this nifty collage for my post-of-the-day on Facebook yesterday, but I think it fits very well for this post too! (I'll try to go in some type of order of the pictures in the paragraph below.)

I'm thankful for my hilarious roommate, Haley; my beautiful puppy, Brady; the endless amounts of concerts I get to go to and bands I get to meet; my annoyingly perfect (and sassy) sister; my Internet friends- who have become in-real-life friends; Kenz MY BABY; movies that have utterly changed my life; Anjelica, Annastacia, Sabrina, Manny, Ben, Keoni, Michael; Young Life; my fantastic and perfect mother; my tattoos (and future tattoos); Komiac family; TAYLOR- my longest friend; the building of equality in the world; the 2nd East girls at school (my floor rocks); where I live; DIEFA THE LOVE OF MY LIFE; Shannon and Natasha- who are also great concert buddies; the Disney/Universal trip I got to go on; my Disney girls; and the college I get to go to.

Never in my life have I been this happy and content. Every day when I walk out of my dorm, I think "I love where I live." Every day! How cool is that? I'm so lucky.

And the support system I have? It's crazy! I've got friends back in Michigan; friends in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky; friends from high school in Washington and friends from college here too; and all my Internet friends- some of which live nearby and some of which are from all over the world. Not to mention my awesome pen pals from all over Europe.

I know that an insane amount of people have got my back and that they all want to see me do well in life. It's such a good feeling to know I'm loved. And trust me, I'll love them forever.

It's true that I've been through a lot of difficult obstacles, but all those hardships created the person I am today. And I like who I am- yeah, I'm working on some stuff, but we all are. I'm proud of what I stand for and who I'll stand behind. I'm a work in progress, a lover of life, and a very thankful girl.

Happy holidays, everyone! 

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Saturday, November 21, 2015


There are 2 different parts to this blog (as you can see in the title), so I'd first like to start off with the advice I have for high school friends.

I've visited my high school a few times to say hi to the dance team- and being back in that building brings on a lot of thoughts. I was there today thinking about what I wish I could go back and change, so now here I am, writing this blog.

Okay, right. So. High school. You're stuck there. You have absolutely no choice but to show up and attend class and it sucks. It totally does. I hated every minute of high school. But I wish I could go back and tell myself something along the lines of: "You're stuck here. But it's only for 4 years which, in the grand scheme of things, is not very long at all. And while you're stuck here, you have 2 choices: to try and make the most out of every day, or to be completely and utterly miserable." I chose the 2nd option. I wish I could go back and choose the 1st.

So to my lovely high school friends out there... I'm about to sound like every annoying adult you've ever met. You've just got to get through 4 years. Think about how long the average life lasts. Chances are, you'll be around for a long time and you'll look back and those 4 years will seem like a blur. They do to me- and I've only been graduated for a few months. Life gets better. I'm so happy that I stuck it out and made it because my life is really awesome now.

High school can be great. You just have to try to make it great. And I know you can. You've got this. 4 years and then you're free. Make the best of those years because you don't want to be the one looking back and regretting things. Go to football games and participate in spirit days and be friendly to strangers in the hallway. Be the best version of you that you can be. Your future self will thank you for it later.

NOW- College Update Part 2!

We had a "Hues of SPU" color run! It was so great. It was the first time that I had any type of "bonding experience" with my floor too.

We went on a retreat! My dorm building (Ashton) took a trip to Camp Casey on Whidbey Island- which is owned by our school. It was a fantastic time and I really got to know a lot of girls on my floor better. We even won one of the games! The location was stunning and making new friends was so much fun.

I started going to Young Life at The Inn- which is in U District. There, I joined up for a small group- which is pretty much a Bible study. There's a group of us and we're all freshman girls. 2 of us are from SPU and the rest are from UW. They're all really lovely people and so far, I'm really loving the time we spend together.

So, of course I've been to a lot of concerts recently. There was Bad Suns and The Neighbourhood. It was awesome. There were quite a few Twitter friends there too- so that's always nice!

The Neighbourhood really surprised me because they were totally better live and that usually doesn't happen. It was a really wonderful concert.

Twenty one pilots were brilliant. Such amazing performers. It was a really fun night- even though I was totally exhausted from having Bad Suns and The NBHD the previous night.

Echosmith opened for twenty one pilots! They're  so amazing live, and they're also really kind people. It's always nice meeting bands to see what they're really like. And it's even nicer when they turn our to be humble and welcoming.

My USEM class is great! One day, we all walked to a bakery, got coffee, and then had class right by the water. Absolutely amazing.

For Halloween, I was Tris from the Divergent series by Veronica Roth!

On Halloween, my sister- Jenna- and I went to a concert for Against The Current. They were kind and fantastic, as always. It was Jenna's first front row experience, so that was cool. And the bands' costumes were incredible!

The most recent concert I went to was Halsey. She's my absolute favorite artist of the moment and it was rad to be able to experience my first concert of hers with some awesome Twitter friends and my sister. I hope she comes back soon. I'm completely obsessed with her music and everything she stands for. If you haven't listened to her music or seen her tweets, I suggest you go do those things. You won't be disappointed!

All in all, things have been going pretty well. I mean, there's a ridiculous amount of homework and my to-do list is never ending, but oh well. I've been blessed with some phenomenal experiences. I'm so lucky. College rocks. My roommate rocks. My floor rocks. My Twitter friends rock. Life rocks.

And I'm happy. I hope you are too.

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Beginning of College Life + The Wonder of How God Works

Wow. My first week of college classes ends tomorrow. Can you believe it? I can't. This week has been filled with reading, note-taking, and lots of stress and tiredness. But it's also been filled with moving in and meeting new people and creating awesome memories.

There's a lot to say, so bear with me... Here we go! (Also, stay tuned because I've got some great news to share towards the end of this blog post!)

Let's start with the fact that Seattle Pacific University's campus is absolutely stunning. How lucky am I to call this place home? Some days I just walk past all these buildings and think about how blessed I am to experience this opportunity.

Someone told me this week that about 1% of people in the world go to college. One percent. There are 62,000,000 girls in this world who can't even go to school. There are moments where it's been hard and all, but then I remember that I am a lucky person. I can't forget that. It keeps me humble and focused.

I moved in last Wednesday which was September 23rd. My mom, sister, and best friend, Diefa, came with me to help get everything into my dorm room. It was so cool having these 3 magnificent ladies that I love so much be with me on such a special day.

There are 5 halls on campus; I live in one called Ashton. 6 stories. Boys and girls. I'm on 2 East. It's known as the "social" hall and it's definitely not a quiet place to be but I really love it so far. The people in Ashton are kind and friendly. I'm glad to be living with them. 

Each floor has a theme! Ours is Tangled- the Disney movie about Rapunzel! When I first walked onto the hall, I was thrilled because I love the movie and the decorations in the hall are unreal. Our RA, Kaila, is fantastic and she did such a lovely job making 2 East feel like Disney.

Here's my dorm room- the before/after picture! I'm on the left side (and you can tell because Baymax in on my bed). My roommate's name is Haley and she rocks. She's hilarious, easy to talk to, and independent. Of course, moving in with a stranger is intimidating, but she's so easy to live with that there's simply nothing to be nervous about.

One of the best things about Ashton Hall? The view! I mean, seriously, look at this. I walk out onto the balcony and see Seattle! (I mean, I live in Seattle, but you know, I get to see more of the city from here.) I walk to class in the morning and look at my surroundings and smile- which is rad. The only downfall with having such a great view is that it comes at a price. We get this phenomenal vantage point because we're on the top of a hill. A very large hill, to be more specific. It's pretty rough walking up it, and to be honest, it's not super fun to walk down either- but when you consider the fact that Ashton is amazing, it all seems worth it.

My first day spent on campus was Thursday, the day after I moved in. There were tons of things to do for orientation! One of the things we got to do was attend a soccer game! We had a "march to the match" where we walked together to the soccer field. It was a bit of a trek, up and down hills, but it wasn't so bad because we were all just talking and getting excited! It was my first ever soccer game and I had so much fun. With 15 minutes left in the game, the buses arrived and so I hopped on one to head back to SPU. The score was 0-0 when I left and I don't know what the final ended up being, but it doesn't even matter. I enjoyed myself so that's all that counts. 

Fun Fact: I found out that SPU's men's soccer team is #3 in the nation and we have never been scored on. Pretty rad, huh?

Anyway, the reason the buses arrived early is because there was a dance! We went to the gym and listened to music and drank rootbeer floats (that had Coke instead of rootbeer) and we just danced and had a good time. I felt so free. I felt like I belonged. I took a video when we were all jumping around to Walk The Moon's "Shut Up and Dance" because I want to look back and remember the joy I felt that night.

Monday, September 28th, was my first day of classes! I have 3 classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Psychology is 8-9:20; my University Seminar- The Dynamics of Vocation: Discovering and Responding to Calling is 9:30-10:50; and Intro to Interpersonal Communications is 3-4:20.

My Psych class has about 200 people in it. The prof is super cool. 

My USEM class is small- about 20-30 people in it, and the cool thing is that each orientation group was just your USEM class so I'd already met these people the previous week! There are a couple things I like about my prof in that class.
  1. He prays before doing anything. I love that.
  2. When he takes attendance, he asks a question that we respond to after acknowledging that we're there. The first day he asked if we preferred crunchy or creamy peanut butter and the second day he asked if we preferred cats or dogs. It was funny seeing how intense people got about the peanut butter question- super heated and super defensive. I was like "uh, I've never even tried crunchy, but if that's you're thing, that's cool."
  3. We have 5-Minute Stories! We all signed up yesterday for them, so, starting Friday, each day, one student will tell a 5 minute story before moving on to other things in the class. The story can be funny, serious, sad... Whatever you want! I'm pretty excited about that since I adore public speaking, but I don't really know what I want to talk about. That's alright, though. I've got a week or two before my presentation.
My Communications class is also one with about 30 people. The prof reminds me of someone back home that I love very much, so that's pretty comforting. Tomorrow, we're gonna be put into groups which we will eventually present in. I'm excited! Oh- and something really cool that this prof does is she has "prayer cards." They are these cards that you put your name on and what you need prayers for. After you fill it out, you hand it back to her and she prays for you! I love that! I think I want to do that- create prayer cards for the outside of my room's door. Then people can fill them out and I can pray for them. That'd be awesome.

Here's my first-day-of-school outfit!

If I'm gonna be honest and tell you all the great things about my school, I can't forget to mention the food. SPU has won awards for our cafeteria and, after being here for a few days, it's very obvious why that's so. The food is incredible and the choices are endless! If you're someone in high school that's planning on attending college- that's something I'd definitely recommend you look into when deciding on where you're going. I know it seems silly, but if you're going to be eating there 3 times a day for a few years, you want to make sure it's good.

I found a bunch of motivational quotes and put them on my whiteboard which I placed on my desk, where I do a lot of my coursework. This is something that I'd advise to anyone who studies! It's nice to look up and be reassured that what I'm doing is important.

So all that bring us to today! I don't know what I want to major in. I've thought about everything from Journalism to Computer Science. One of the things I've considered doing is teaching in special education.

Today was SPU's job fair. This morning didn't go super well. I messed up on something that, you know, I wasn't planning to mess up on. I was exhausted, downing a Starbucks on the way back from Mukilteo to wake up. I got to school, got ready, and went to the job fair. 

There were so many incredible employers there. I still can't believe it. I mean, seriously. Wow. It was wonderful! Anyway, the second table I walked up to was for people working with those who have disabilities. After talking to the man at the table, he seemed pretty happy with me, saying he was planning on "stealing me"  as long as we could find hours that worked with my schedule. I went through the rest of the job fair and gave resumes to lots of places that worked with kids, but I don't know. My heart was just really set on that second table. In fact, after I finished talking to the man, I called my mom right away and was like "this is what I want to do."

I ate and then went back to my dorm. After about ten minutes, the man from the second table texted me, asking me to come back, so, of course, I did. He ended up showing me that he'd already written my name down (in pen, he pointed out) on his schedule for different times that I could work. He said "I just wanted to make sure I grabbed you before anyone else could." I can't even tell you how good that made me feel. I mean, wow. He then handed me a piece of paper which said training is Saturday from 10am-3pm. He said I could do 2 different things for this job on campus that just so happen to occur on the 2 days I don't have classes (AAAAHHH!!!) so I don't even have to go anywhere! I'm in. I have a job. My first real job. I'm so happy I could cry. Actually, I almost have a couple of times.

Here's my job fair outfit, which, considering that I got ready in 20 minutes, didn't turn out too bad.

So that was my special announcement! I also just wanted to reinforce that this morning was a mess. Things didn't turn out how I wanted them to, but you know what? I got a job. There were lots of nice jobs at the fair that highly recommended that I have something that I messed up on this morning. But this job? It didn't. God works in mysterious ways.

I often say that "everything happens for a reason." We talked about this statement in my USEM yesterday. It doesn't mean that God has these bad things planned out; it just means that there are bad things that will happen and God will make good things come of them. This was one of those times.

Please know that, whatever you're going through, good will come out of it.

If you've known me for awhile, or kept up with me on this blog/social media, then you clearly know I've struggled with depression and all that. And look at me now! I'm in college! I have a job! I feel lucky and blessed and happy

I'm going to leave you with a quote from the whiteboard I showed earlier:

"Tough times don't last; tough people do."

-Jordan xx

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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Monday, September 14, 2015

Fall Update

Life's been crazy. I spent a month in Michigan which was a lot of fun. It was very cool to see people I haven't seen in a long time and to be in places that I spent a lot of time in while growing up. A lot of really positive memories came back to me that I'd totally forgotten about.

College is soon! Today's the 14th and I move in on the 23rd... Scary. Classes start on the 28th. Even scarier. But, considering how many people have gone to college and survived, I get the feeling that I'll be okay. I've been thinking about majoring in Computer Science... Who knows if I'll actually go through with it, but it's a cool thought. Right now, I'm just focused on getting there.

Unfortunately, the night I arrived back in Washington, a family emergency occurred. It's been difficult. We've spent a lot of time here at Harborview Hospital in Seattle- where I'm writing this now. The staff is phenomenal. Every single person we've met- from doctors to nurses to the workers in the cafeteria- have been so kind and genuine. It reminds me that there are lots of good people out there.

I just want to remind you: you should tell the people that you love that you love them. We often focus on the negative people. You know, we gossip and complain and all that. But how often do we sit and say things like "This person rocks because..." or "I love this person because..."?

I've been thinking about that a lot lately. It's just so important to say "I love you". I think about it when I'm hanging up the phone on someone or when I'm leaving the house or whatever. Make sure that the last thing you say is what you'd want to have your last words be to them. Because you never know.

This wasn't exactly a good update. It wasn't written well or anything. But it's been awhile, so I just thought I'd let you know what's been going on in the world of Jordan.

Life's been a wild ride recently, but isn't it always?

-Jordan xx

YouTube Channel:
Vlogging YouTube Channel:

Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Christmas in July

The last weekend of each July is my favorite time of the year. It's reserved for 3 days of zero sleep, tears, hugs, and friendship. It's this convention and it's better than Christmas.

This year, the convention was held in Michigan so the day beforehand, I helped set up... Which included putting like 100 of these posters on dorm doors.

The day of, I was so jittery and excited. You should've seen me. I was practically bouncing off the walls. My friend, Meghan, who is from Kentucky, was messaging me to give updates on how far away their bus was. When she let me know that she was there, I grabbed a handful of Michigan people + others who'd already arrived and we booked it to the roundabout where the buses had been arriving.

Seeing Meaghan is something I'll never forget because she got off the bus and ran to hug me. There's just something so powerful about connecting with someone after an entire year has passed.

This is my 5th year at this convention and something that's cool about being a returning member is that I get to go back and see how much I (and other people) have grown. For example, my hair rocked last summer, and although it's different now, I still love Sage. (But actually though, I do miss my purple hair.)

We're just one big family. It's such a unique feeling to be able to go up to any group of people and feel like you belong. It's like, the biggest squad ever.

It's all very fast-paced. There's a lot to do. There's a lot of people to meet and a lot of old friends to catch up with. There's a lot going on. But this year, one of my favorite memories was Friday night. I was just sitting with a handful of people by a fountain in the middle of the night, fighting back sleepiness when someone let me lay on their blanket. (Shout out to Bobby!) And so I was surrounded by awesome people, looking up at the stars which I could actually see and it was so rad and laughing with someone I'd just gotten to know about how Doritas are female Doritos.

Looking back, the moment must have seemed so small and unimportant to those around me, but to me, it was everything. That sense of inner peace is just so phenomenal. 

An activity that we did was write down our hopes and dreams onto a butterfly. So me, being the polar opposite of an artist, scribbled down some things since I can't draw. It's not exactly aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but the ideas behind it are sorta cool.

Now here comes the best part: the banquet. This is when all of us go get dressed up and then come back for dinner. During the getting-ready portion, I totally burnt my left hand, but my best friend, Natasha, helped me make this super sketchy cast thingy. Totally worked well enough to get me through curling the rest of my hair.

Here's my  yearly banquet photo with my grandpa! He's actually the one who got me to my first convention five years ago. I love you. And thank you for everything- including my banquet dress!

Here I am with the gorgeous Rylin and Shannon. It's hard to believe that they're younger than I am because they're so mature. Being around them is easy and fun and I hope they both had as much fun this past weekend as I did.

BELLA! MY LOVE! It's so strange that I just met Bella last year because I feel so protective of her now. She's a ball of joy and she makes my heart happy. Do you ever just meet someone and think "they deserve to never feel sadness"? That's how it is with Bella.

Ok. We didn't plan this, but Shannon, Natasha, Bradley and I all wore black which brings us Bradley's Angels. I mean, for it being coincidental and all, I think we look pretty good.

It's funny how life works. Bobby and I had never really met before even though we'd attended a conference together; however, this year's conference brought us together to become friends! And lucky me got to call him my date for the banquet. It's fascinating how different we are to the rest of the world compared to the people we meet here. Bobby, remember to smile! Smiling looks good on you. Oh- and I never said anything, but as soon as I finished my song at the talent show, you stood up and gave me a standing ovation. I never thanked you for that, so thank you. :)

AND through Bobby, I met his friend Michael who ended up being a great guy. I love people that are just easy to talk to. Michael had me laughing all weekend.

 NOW IT'S TIME FOR BRADLEY. Bradley was probably one of the most difficult people to say goodbye to. We met last year when he helped run the convention and I'm so lucky to say we got closer this year. My favorite thing about Bradley is that he makes me feel welcomed- like I'm not bothering him. I wasn't afraid to just walk up to him and hug him and I think that's really cool. Bradley, I know life isn't always kind to you but you really do deserve nothing but the best. I love you a lot and I hope you know that I feel very blessed to have you in my life... Even with your weird dinosaur arms and really short volleyball shorts.

At the convention, we all wear these things around our neck called Fuzzies. They're just made of yarn. When you hug someone, you take one of their strings and tie it onto your Fuzzie and they do the same. It was the last day of the convention when I took a Fuzzie string from Bradley, Natasha and Shannon to make a bracelet. We all ended up with one. I pray that I don't lose mine. Seriously. Every time I look at it, I think of them and I smile.

The last person I want to talk about is Natasha. She's one of my absolute best friends and she ended up coming back to Michigan with me after the convention even though she's from Ohio. We went kayaking and paddle-boating and swimming and just had so much fun. I love her with everything in me and can't wait to see her in a few weeks.

So I guess that's it for this year. From singing to stargazing to meeting new friends and everything in between, I'm here to say that I'm happy

Life is good. I hope you're in a good place too.

I love you. Lots and lots and whooole bunches. Uh. And stuff. You know? Arghhh.

-Jordan xx

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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan