Sunday, January 20, 2013

What Keeps Me Going

Okay, so I'm not gonna lie. Moving 2,200 miles away from everything you know and love is kind of scary. I'm in this new town with people I know nothing about. It's lonely and strange and I'm not really sure what to do with myself.

Luckily for me, I have the most supportive family members. Every morning, I receive a text from my amazing grandpa. It gives me hope for the day. This is the first message I received from him:

I've noticed recently that giving up and finding things to be sad about is really easy for me. If you look hard enough, you can find flaws in even the most beautiful things. If the sky is blue, leave it that way. Why search for rain? Why go somewhere cloudy and foggy when you can stay right where you are, and soak in  the sun's rays?

Happiness is strange, you know? I understand what depression is because I've felt it. Depression is easy to describe: It's like you're drowning and can't breathe, but you can sea everyone else above the surface breathing perfectly fine. I feel as though happiness is a bit more difficult to explain because happiness is different for everyone.

To me, happiness is...

  • finishing writing a song
  • getting good grades
  • making my parents proud
  • helping someone out
  • smiling at strangers
  • all things pink
  • telling people to "have a good day" :)
  • lazy days with the family
  • watching old Disney movies
  • starbucks
  • texting an old friend and letting them know how important they are
  • the smell of vanilla candles
  • being able to wear yoga pants ALL day long
  • playing guitar
  • learning a new song
  • singing in the car
  • laughing
  • a large coke from mcdonald's
  • taking silly pictures with people
  • buying new art supplies (colored pencils, markers...)
  • coloring in a coloring book
  • visiting animal shelters
  • playing with my puppies
  • making flower arrangements for my mom
  • learning new ways to braid hair
  • reading quotes on tumblr
Call me crazy, but I think that there's actually a lot to be happy about. That list only names a few things that I love.

MORAL TO THE STORY: Happiness is achievable. You just have to want it.

Stay strong, lovelies.
-Jordan xx

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Instagram: @wtvr.jordan

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